I'll start on Friday Night:
I got back from school around 6 and made sweet potato fries to go with left over chicken stir fry. Then I had a nice video chat with mom and dad. Then I went to the store to buy ingredients for Banana Chip Cookies (which feature banana chips, chocolate chips, and toasted wheat germ) and pick up a few other groceries.
Three grocery stores later (yes I went to four grocery stores in one evening!) I found banana chips. Who knew they would be so hard to find. I went to Walmart, New Frontiers Natural Market (I thought for sure they would have them in the bulk section), Safeway (like a Save A Lot), then finally Bashas (like a Kroger). I was so happy to find banana chips and to end my grocery store shopping spree (I may or may not have purchased something at each store.) When I got back what felt like hours later (it felt like hours because it was hours...like an hour and a half), I made cookies. On a completely unrelated note, I thought this only happened in Bluffton, but when I was at Walmart, I randomly saw one of the GTAs I share an office with.
What a night! Next time I get invited to play Bar Golf, maybe I should go :)
I slept in until 8 then I did some cleaning. I washed up some dishes and swept the kitchen. Then I tidied my room and cleaned off my desk. Remember when I said not all the events were exciting? This is what I meant.
Anyway, the main reason I cleaned off my desk is so that I could use it to study. I have two homework assignments and a test next week, and I need to write a test for the class I teach. So most of Saturday was spent doing homework or studying for my Theory of Mathematical Statistics midterm. If I had to describe how I feel about the impending exam in one word it would be terrified. My only solace is that everyone else feels the same way. So that's nice...I guess.
I've got all the essentials: notes, homework, scratch paper...most of it already scratched on, highlighter, book, pencil, pot of tea, can of compressed air, etc.
When 10 o'clock rolled around, I was not at all tired like I usually am, so I stayed up studying and writing an exam. An hour later, I'm still wide awake. It could be the copious amounts of tea I drank (at least 6 cups but whose counting?) but I'm not convinced. So after another hour and a half (it's after midnight now) I finally got tired and went to bed.
When I tried to leave for church Sunday morning, my car wouldn't start. It just made this clicking noise. I don't have jumper cables and also there was no one even beginning to stir at 8:30 on a Sunday morning (they were probably all our last night playing bar golf!) to give me a jump even if I had cables. So I popped the hood and sure enough the battery looked pretty old and really crusty.
Before buying a new battery, I thought it was a good idea to at least try and clean the connections of the one I had. Like half an hour later I got the bolts off so I could clean it. It took so long because I don't have a wrench and as I previously mentioned, it was pretty crusty. This was all for naught because the car still wouldn't start.
None of my roommates are up yet, so I rode my bicycle a mile down the road to Walmart to buy a new battery. I knew car batteries were heavy, but I forgot how heavy. As I was struggling to carry the battery from the furthest back corner of the store to the checkout, I wondered how on earth I was going to get the stupid thing home. I'm happy to report that I only almost fell over once. Also the ride was really wobbly because as I would ride the battery would swing back and forth on the handle bars and throw off the weight distribution, but I made it. After another half hour or so, I got the new battery installed and presto! It started right up.
It's a little taller than the old battery, so I can't get the metal brace to fasten over the top. I also had to kind of smash on the plastic battery cover, but I'm calling it good.
By now it's around 10 so I pretty much missed church. It's times like these that I miss my Dad. He could have got me running in much less time with much less frustration.
Anyway, since I missed church, I decided to take the old battery back to Walmart along with the set of wrenches that I bought that were the wrong size. Sadly, I couldn't find my receipt. It must have fallen out of my pocket on the ride back.
I still wanted to go to church, so I decided to go to a church in Flagstaff. After a quick google search, I picked a church pretty much at random and was on my way. When I get there everyone was standing and the singing had started. The first thing I noticed was that one of the members of the worship team looked just like Luke. Red hair, beard, similar build and facial features. He was even wearing a shirt that looks like a shirt Luke has and had rolled up the sleeves like Luke does. For a second I really thought it was him. But it wasn't...obviously.
After a couple of songs, we all sat down and then I saw the rest of the worship team, one of whom looked like Matt, my boss. And in fact, it was Matt. What are the odds?
After I got back from church, I studied some more.
As you can see, I've really gotten serious by getting a dry erase board involved :)
Then I took a break from studying to write this blog post...which took a while. In case you haven't noticed, it's kind of long.
After supper, I went to play volleyball. I'm a club team and we had two games tonight.
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