Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's possible to make a grilled cheese using only a spork

So the only kitchen utensil I have right now is a titanium spork that John gave me, but I'm pretty sure it's all I'll ever need!

Step 1: Get everything out

 Step 2: Butter the bread

Step 3: Cut the cheese (no pun intended) 

look at those perfect slices!

 Step 4: Flip

Step 5: Transfer to plate 

Step 6: It's not a grilled cheese if it's not cut in half! 

Step 7: Wash spork & chow down! 

There you have it, it is possible to make a grilled cheese (using block cheese) using only a spork.

1 comment:

  1. Leave it to your brothers to give you a titanium spork. You Frauhiger's are so extreme. :)

    And thankfully the cheese in your picture didn't look sweaty. I think your next episode should be baked steak or the classic hamwich.
