Monday, November 21, 2011

Blindfold Cubing

Last night, for the first time, I successfully solved my 2x2 Rubik's cube blindfolded. Well, I wasn't actually blindfolded, but I had my eyes closed the entire time.

Blindfold solving isn't as hard as is sounds. Once you learn the method, which is surprisingly easy with only 2 main algorithms and a handful of shorter setup moves, it's a matter of memorizing orientation and permutation.
So for my first successful solve, this is what I memorized: (020) (1002) (68) (5175). And that's it. Really! Each of the numbers corresponds to a specific setup move and algorithm, so when you are blindfolded (or in my case have your eyes closed) you know what to do. I've been working on this for a couple weeks, so it's nice for it to finally pay off!

Since you brought up cubing, here are some of the others I've solved:

3x3 Rubik's Cube
(yes I have the nerdy else are you going to display it?!?!)
4x4 Rubik's Cube aka Rubik's Revenge
(this one has the stand makes my desk looks organized)

5x5 Rubik's Cube aka Professor Cube
(I have a stand for this one...even though it's not shown in the picture)
MegaMinx Puzzle aka Dodecahedron aaka 12 sided 3D shape
(no stand for this one, in fact, it's not even mine! Believe it or not, I solved everything but the last face with no outside help.) 

QuadCube aka "it'll drive you insane" at least that's what it says on the box.
 I actually did this one with no outside help (ie the internet).


  1. I don't believe you at all. you made up all those facts and you can't actually do anything cool. admit it!

  2. I guess when I come home I'll just have to prove it to you :)
    Also I'm thinking about joining the arizona speedcubing association. Now that's cool!
