Now to the main topic of today's post: Fit February. This semester my classes are all during late morning and afternoon and I've been less than motivated to get up in the mornings. So to help me be more motivated and self-disciplined, I've decided to make this month Fit February. Here's how it works: I will do some form of exercise (yoga, racquetball, tai chi, running, jumping jacks, etc.) every day during the month of February.
I already got a head start by going for a run Sunday prevening. And, prepare yourself, I liked it {gasp}! I didn't go very far on the road before I stumbled across the Urban Trail.
Wouldn't it be nice for this to be part of your run? In case you were wondering, yes that is snow despite it being 50 degrees.
One of the reasons I liked it was because I have no idea how far I went distance-wise. I just ran for a while and then turned around. It also felt good for my ankle. I rolled it pretty good in October and it's been slowly getting better and I think running will strengthen it enough to eventually be good as new!
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